Monday, July 18, 2011

A Summer of fun!!!!

It has been a million years since I have posted pictures of the boys.

Thought I might get a few up before the graduate high school!

The lady at the bank always seems to give my kids the blue lollipops...

they love them... I hate them.

By the time we are around the block from the bank Elliot usually has it almost completely eaten with remnants of blue lollipop under his chin, in his hair, and crusted in his eyelashes.

Needless to say, I always have a wipe or two ready!!

Carter is a little more meticulous when it comes to eating his lollipops.

He likes to savor the lollipop and it takes him roughly an hour to finish it.


My little wet baby. He always has to take a break from swimming to grab a snack...
or two... or three.

Man this kid looks like Uncle Matt in this picture!

If you look closely... Carter's little thumb is crooked. It is always bent and never straightens. If you try to straighten it... Carter screams bloody murder. (learned that one the hard way one day in a crowded restaurant)

He likes to tell people that God gave him that crooked thumb and that's what makes him special.

Ell and his Molly.

Ell and his Jenna

Uncle Chris tagged along with us one HOT night to go cool off at Jim's pool.

Carter had been fighting me the last couple of times about getting in the water and actually trying to swim. He would have none of it. He just wanted to float around in his ring or jump into my arms (not into the water) from the side of the pool.

I guess the secret was to bring Chris along and have him call Carter a sissy once or twice...

now look at the kid!!!

Chris is yellin "C'mon sissy! Jump!!"

And so he does....


And now he is addicted and wants to do a million and one cannonballs!!!

Elliot was of course yelling at me cause I was taking pictures and not in the pool with him.

Uncle Chris also worked with Carter on his swimming techniques...

One happy boy when he is in the pool!

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